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Plugin Options

All features are enabled by default except the following.

  • defineOptions (Vue >= 3.3)
  • defineSlots (Vue >= 3.3)
  • hoistStatic (Vue >= 3.3)
  • shortEmits (Vue >= 3.3)
  • exportExpose
  • exportProps
  • setupSFC

You can disable them by setting the option to false.

  root: '/your-project-path',

   * Vue version, 2 or 3.
   * optional, detecting automatically.
  version: 3,

  plugins: {
    vue: Vue(),
    vueJsx: VueJsx(),

  /** Defaults to true  */
  defineModels: {
     * Unified mode, only works for Vue 2
     * Converts `modelValue` to `value`
    unified: true,

  // Disable features
  hoistStatic: false,

  // ... more features

See the features page for options for each feature.